Saturday, November 14, 2020

Autumn on the River Severn

Yesterday I spent a fabulous day exploring the River Severn from Lower Load to, or very nearly to Haw Bridge.  A brisk breeze in our faces picked up the river into a very gentle swell. Swans flew over our heads, geese congregated in front of us and fanned out in a flurry of splashes and wings as we approached.  In the fading light Kingfishers darted and dived on the waters edge.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

MTB extravaganca

On a cold wintery morning I was out at  9.30 and on the bike.  Leaves crunching underneath our wheels we hurtled around Cranham Woods - the sun peeped through the etiolated trees trunks lighting up a golden carpet of fallen leaves.