Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day two of lockdown.

On Monday night, Boris locked the country down, apart from essential jobs and some other exceptions.  Seems very strange, we're here with a garden to sit in, sun shinning - we seem cut off from what's going on. Traffic has reduced on the main road and we're all being very careful to not get to close.

I decided to go for a bike ride this afternoon, which is allowed.  I felt I needed to touch base with the world out there, so that I don't loose sight of the reality of the situation and understand why we need to continue to distance ourselves from Rob and Vera.  The roads were quiet and the Bath Road felt like a ghost town but there were still people wandering around looking in the closed, shop windows.

Not sure how this is going to pan out for the UK and the rest of the world. Italy and Spain are struggling to control the virus and we, the experts say, are two weeks behind.  I feel for the families in flats, with no garden, no space, restless children and no money.

I'm moved by the nations response to the NHS request for volunteers - 405,000 signed up in twenty four hours.  It saddens me that people are still going out and ignoring the stay at home policy.

Looking out for others is what we can all do.

God bless all.

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