Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day nineteen of lockdown.

The constant news is stay at home this Easter weekend - stop the BBQ's in the park, the group meetings, the selfish behaviour that's putting the efforts to slow the spread of the virus at risk.

I don't understand some peoples behaviour - nineteen health workers have died to date of Covid 19, a higher proportion of BEM people have died, people from abroad who've come to work in the UK over the years have died. A sacrifice they didn't have to make - let's remember this when we come through it.  Tolerance and acceptance of all.

The Government has drawn in the state, like never before, to help for the good.   The concept of public service now includes the delivery driver, the small shop keeper, the bin man and Joe Bloggs, the public - me and you.

Europe seems to have split up slightly (I could be wrong) but countries seem to be looking after themselves - I hope not.

Asian countries appear to be managing this better - is it because they're used to more authoritarian governments and don't question authority - but just do what they're asked?

Surely the world will change after this - hopefully we'll have learnt a lot. Old ideas, old truths will be swept away.  We can't go back to what we had before - the days after will not be the same.

There has been some fantastic, wonderful responses from all sections of our communities - gladdening my heart as the humanity of human kind wins out, drowning out the cynics.

God Bless All.

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